The Resolution
by SGL Financial

We make them, fake them and then we break them. The New Year is like the big red “Easy” button. It’s the time when you are able to start fresh, start over, set a goal or change something that you’ve been sweeping under the rug for some time.
Did you know that, roughly 45% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution and only 8%-10% fully commit to making those resolutions? That means your chances of keeping a New Year’s resolution is 10% or less. Those are terrible odds. So, let’s take a closer look how to put the odds in your favor.
Typically we make resolutions about small and large goals. We like small resolutions because they are easy to keep and we always feel successful that way. Bigger resolutions create bigger problems and stronger opportunities for failure. Why? Because we can justify that failure by saying to ourselves something like, “This is just impossible! There’s no way I’m going to be able to do this.” And, because we have a good justification for breaking the resolution, we make ourselves feel good as well. Like you, I know what it’s like to create successes that are easy to reach and create scenarios which I can justify when I don’t make them happen. The bottom line is, that either way, we try to make ourselves feel good about what we do. Now, what I’ve done, is taken the ‘feel good’ part out of my resolutions making, and for many years now, I’ve made New Year’s Resolutions, stuck to my guns, followed through and it truly has changed my life.
Here are my keys to making successful resolutions:
1. Make the Resolution: Nothing happens if you don’t set a goal. So do it. Set a midway goal- not too high; not too low. Set a goal that’s meaningful to you, even if it’s very different than typical New Year’s resolutions.
2. Write it Down: Put pen to paper or maker to board. Write sticky notes and put them on your calendar, or in your pocket, or on your desk. These will serve to remind you and to be conscious of your goal so it doesn’t fall by the wayside as you get busy with other things in your life.
3. Envision: When you envision the finish line, what do you see? Hands raised in the air, the biggest smile on your face and pure joy running through your veins. See yourself at the finish line and keep that picture in your mind.
4. Baby Steps: If you are setting a large goal, break it down into smaller goals. Before getting to C you have to start with A and B. Take your time and keep it realistic. You know how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
5. Half Full: You’ve heard the common saying, “the glass is half full” if you believe it then it is. Do not let your mind play tricks and stay positive. If you start having negative thoughts, kick in in the butt with some good ole’ cheer.
6. Giving Up is Not an Option: When your mind begins to tell you all the reasons you can’t keep your resolutions, just turn the volume down to zero and keep at it. Before you know it you will achieve the success you want, not by justifying failure, but by accomplishing success.
New Year’s is that time we get every year to push the restart button. A new outlook on life and a new approach. Take advantage of what life has to offer and use it to better yourself as far as you can. You’ve set many goals in your life and in the past – personal, spiritual and financial. Now’s the time to draw on those successes to achieve in 2016.
I wish you all a wonderful and Happy New Year and wish you all success in the New Year. If you need any help or someone to support you and stay with you on your goal, I’m only a call away. I’ll stand by your side as promised.
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!